Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Don't give it up
Some of you may know and some of you may not but I used to read tarot cards not too long ago. I think I started reading them my senior year of high school and I stopped a little over a year ago. Some of you may also know this: I have a tattoo on my shoulder. The tattoo is a tarot card. I got it right before I stopped reading them.
Well, now that the Lord has taken me to Africa, I think I may finally understand what the image means in the larger story of my life, and what the image means in the stories of the lives of the women in the fistula ward, and what it means in the life of any person who has come to know Jesus Christ, and in the life of any person who hasn't.
People always ask me what it means and it’s probably the question I really hate the most because honestly, I don’t really know how to explain it very well. There is no short version. In fact, I hate the question because it confuses me, and it’s usually asked by a stranger, someone who I was never really ready to share the following story with.
But I think I’m ready to do that now.
There was a particular season of my life when most of my relationships were abusive. I allowed myself to be controlled by people not because they were directly causing me to behave a certain way, but because I allowed their presence in my life to cause me to believe in my own powerlessness, helplessness, and inability. This is the essence of the meaning of the tarot card.
The eight of swords. This card means captivity. The woman in the image is blindfolded and bound, standing, of her own accord, in the mud. She is not struggling. She is not freeing herself. Her captors are nowhere to be seen, and yet, there she is, alone, trapped in a fence of swords. There is a building in the background, representing the place she has been cast out of. She is in the wilderness, and she is completely isolated.
But this is not the image on my body. The image on my body is upside down, which changes its meaning. When tarot cards appear upside down, or reversed, whatever the original meaning of the card was when it was right side up, is blocked. I wanted it this way because I didn’t want the meaning of this card to follow me around for the rest of my life. Looking back on my life, I saw how oppressed I was, and continued to be, and I always wanted to remember to fight this trap. I didn’t want to be controlled by anything or anyone anymore. I saw the image of oppression and I rejected it. What I wanted was freedom. I wanted liberation.
Liberate: to set someone free from a particular situation (especially slavery or imprisonment) in which their liberty is severely restricted; to free a country, city, or people from enemy occupation
So I started searching for this. I started searching for freedom, but I couldn’t find it on my own. Sometimes it feels like I didn’t find it until just yesterday.
The women in the fistula ward know what it feels like to be controlled by your own feelings of helplessness. They were such promising women, hopeful for so much, and then something terrible happened to them, they lost their child. But they lost something else too, something slipped through their fingers without their even noticing. They lost respect for themselves and their dignity when they began to believe the lies people told them. They began to blame themselves. They began to blame themselves when other people began to blame them. They believed the lies.
If you were a good enough woman, like your own mother, you would have pushed hard enough and you would have your baby now. Instead, you’re damaged. You’re leaking urine right now because it’s your punishment for failing. The only thing left for you to do now is take your punishment.
My version isn’t that different.
If you were really capable of love, you wouldn’t have been in so many failed relationships. If you were really worthy of love, you would be loved, but nobody loves you. Therefore, it’s your fault. It’s your punishment for being damaged. You’re damaged. The only thing left for you to do now is take your punishment.
Yours may not be that different either.
You’ll never be the same after _________________.
You’re divorced. Only selfish people get divorced.
You can’t go back to school, you’re too old.
War damages people. You’re damaged.
Your dad always said you were_____________. He’s right.
It was your fault when __________ died.
It was your fault when ___________________left.
Those are the lies that keep you standing in the wilderness, wearing the blindfold, accepting the punishment and the isolation. These are the lies that keep women from accepting the love and redemption of Jesus Christ. These are the lies that keep women hiding in villages on mountaintops leaking urine. These are the lies that kept me believing I could never be beautiful again, the lies that made me want to cut off all of my hair and rid myself of anything that made me beautiful, because I believed I wasn’t.
I didn’t want these lies, but I didn’t know what redemption looked like. I didn’t know Jesus was what I was looking for. I was like a lost sheep without the truth. Jesus looked like He had nothing to do with my life. He was just some historical figure, completely unrelated to what I was feeling. In fact, most of His people didn’t really look like the sort of crowd I wanted to be associated with.
I'd been down that road before, and the Jesus I found expected too much. He made me feel ashamed and judged and I didn't really want that. His people didn't look like people with hope, they didn't really look that different from anybody else I had ever met.
So I went out looking for liberation because I knew I didn’t want shame anymore, but without the good news in my life, I only found punishment, even with the best intentions.
I chose punishment instead of redemption. I chose punishment because it felt like justice, but what my soul wanted was mercy. I was looking for freedom, and you can only find that in one place.
The cross.
The Ugandan women find freedom at Kagando Hospital, because it’s a place where Jesus is healing people and giving them hope. They make the pilgrimage because they hope that somehow there’s something better than living in shame on the top of a mountain, mourning alone and leaking urine. Some of them had been out to find it before too, like I had. Just like I had turned to the church for hope and been sent away feeling worse, they had gone to other hospitals that made it worse, who damaged their bodies more than they were before, but the women who had come to Kagando hadn't given up hope. They knew there had to be something better.
Everybody knows deep down that they want something better than whatever it is they’ve got. And they don’t just feel that way because that’s just how everybody feels. They don’t feel this way because this sort of thing happens to everybody. Everybody doesn’t feel that way. It doesn’t happen to everybody. It’s not just because they’re just never satisfied. It’s not because they’re just flawed people and everybody’s flawed. It’s not just because something that happened to you years ago will always affect you. It’s not because you’ve made mistakes and there’s no turning back or making amends. It’s not because you’re damaged. It’s not your fault. You don’t have to live like that.
But think about it. If you believe that you do have to live like that, will you ever start looking for something better?
If you just choose to believe that there’s nothing out there that will satisfy your soul, and you accept whatever punishment feels comfortable and just, you will never be happy.
Have you given up that dream? Have you stopped searching?
What if the Ugandan women at the hospital had given up that dream? Some of them live alone in shacks leaking urine for the rest of their lives because they have no faith. They’ve given up.
Don’t give up. I didn’t give up. I chose to believe that there was hope. Hope just happened to be on the other side of the ocean, where Jesus called me to make a pilgrimage to a place where He IS doing something, where He is healing women just like me. I don’t know where it is for you, but I know Jesus has something to do with it.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The orange bucket the woman in the back is holding is where her catheter drains to.
This is the fistula ward.
This is Harriet. (on the right) She has just had the fistula repair operation the first week we were here. Lisa and I were able to give her a Luhkonzo Bible we had bought in Kasese during the first two weeks.
This is jackfruit. Yes, it is actually as big as it looks. In fact it's probably bigger than it looks. These were small. When you eat this fruit, you have to coat your fingers with margarine first because it's so sticky. Jackfruit was probably on the tree of knowledge, because it looks unbelievable awesome, but then it's unbelievably messy. No, I haven't had it yet.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It's Photo Phriday!
Who hasn't been touched by evil in this life?
All of the women in the fistula ward have one obvious thing in common. They have no children with them. In a place where most women are carrying small children on their backs or trailing beside them, it is obvious when that is missing for a woman of a certain age. These women lie in beds alone, as a catheter hangs below them into a bright beach bucket under the bed. They are a few limbs and a docile, slightly grinning dark face in a pile of brightly patterned fabric—skirts and sheets.
The child they spent nine months hoping for, expecting joyfully, has died in obstructed labor. A difficult labor that left their body damaged. Their husband has divorced them. They leak urine. Some leak stool. They have been lied to, told that this curse has come upon them because they were not as good a mother as their own---lazy, unable to push as they should, inadequate, not a real woman. They are rejected, degraded, despised, poor. They are controlled by these feelings. They begin to believe that they are a death machine, a cursed creature, killing all things they touch, even themselves….. They believe that they are cursed. And they believe this because they have been touched by evil.
They are poor, and they are blessed because they see the redemption of Christ.
The Lord mourns with them. Even today He does.
And I know He does because I see him redeeming it, healing it, making these women new women. Repairing their bodies, healing their souls, restoring their hearts.
And He’s using Dr. Frank to do this. He’s using Harriet and Goret. He’s using St Peters, me and Lisa, you. He’s using you.
He uses Dr. Frank when he opens up their bodies to repair the fistula. He’s using Harriet the nurse in the ward, when she explains what fistula is, when she finally tells them that they are not cursed, and that they are good women. He’s using women at St Peters when money comes across the ocean to provide food that heals their bodies and vehicles that take them home, where they might be restored. In time they may marry again and have children again and know the goodness God wants for them.
God wanted life for these women to be different from the start.
I see the ways that war and hunger and disease have changed Uganda each day. The people have an empty, vacuous expression, an unflinching weariness about them. When you say you are feeling sick, they are greatly concerned and ask if you are "suffering from a disease." They have lived amongst pain, uncertainty and scarcity and their faces show this.
The heart of God has desired something different for them. He has desired peace and prosperity, health and plenty for them and for their children. I am sure of this because I see the redemption of his people in Uganda. I see their dawn shining at the hospital, in the precious innocence of the children at the primary school. I see God working here to bring that peace out of the tragedy of war that they have seen. He is bringing forth the desires of their hearts.
God wanted your life to be different. He has watched the years pass, desiring to stop the tragedies and the pain, to take away your heartbreaks and disappointments---to give you the thing that would give you peace.
But human beings are cursed. They are touched by evil. They cannot hear the voice of God when it comes to them. A violent and profane race, they consume the messengers of God without being changed. It is by the grace of God and the grace of God alone, that even one of us hears his voice calling in the desert.
This is the business of God. This is what he does each day. It has been his work and his nature since the fall, since we first looked away from his face. He reaches and He calls and He sends His servants and messengers to us in hopes that we might turn and be healed.
He created us in glory to love Him completely, freely. We broke from his love to find knowledge of ourselves, knowledge outside of God. He sent a promise to Abraham, that He was going to win us all back Somehow. He sent the law to Moses and to the nation of Israel to set them apart that He might Somehow win us all back. He promised David that Somehow, He was going to win us all back. He sent this promise in each prophet to Israel. He sent this same promise of faithfulness over and over like a husband to an unfaithful wife who, in the midst of her affairs and unfaithfulness, continues to receive desperate love letters of reconciliation from her husband, and burns each one.
My darling, somehow, we can be together again. We can save this. I still love you, we can work this out.
But she doesn't believe him. And it hurts so badly not to believe him, somehow, because really, she wants it to be true too. But she won't reconcile. It's too hard. She's done too much now. It's too late.
And so when this somehow, when this great "Somehow" comes to us, in the womb of a virgin, to win us all back, we burn it too.....we hang it on a cross and mock it, because we have been practicing for generations. Even now we burn it, when we ignore the Holy Spirit in our lives calling us to return to the Lord.
Christ was the "Somehow" promised from the very beginning. When He came to the earth and looked at Jerusalem he said this:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."
Luke 13:34-35
The husband longing for reconciliation cannot go and kidnap his wife. He cannot go and force her to love him, to work out their problems. They both have to want it.
God cannot reach out any farther to you without wrenching away your freedom. And He refuses to touch that, because love is free and total and faithful and sacrificial. And He is love.
Which is why you are free. You are free to reject God because he is unjust. Because He allows evil. Because this whole church thing is for the weak. Because religion is a device to control the masses. Because His "people" are particularly unfriendly or ignorant or because the church is unappealing or full of narrow bigots....You are free to bring yourself pain and separation and isolation, and to bring that for those around you, those you love.
Or you are free to choose the things that would bring you peace, to finally choose to claim redemption for yourself. To choose love for yourself.
Just admit it. Admit that you are in a pile on the bed, wishing you were dead.
The Ugandans are doing it. Why can't you?
So we're driving down the road and we feel a big bump and a loud screech. Out the left window, suddenly we see a tire fly off to the side of the road, just barely missing a few bicycle taxis and pedestrians. We are stopped. We get out to see this. Lots of Ugandans stop to help and we make four or five new friends. This is Africa.
Angela Kabugho at the school that her parents helped to paint.
A photograph from compline during the first two weeks with the group; the power is out.
Friday, June 5, 2009
If you dwell on the symptom, you never discover the disease.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Gotcha, Teach!
So, the US dollar here is worth about 2200 Uganda shillings. A soda is 1000. When you bring the glass bottle back to the shop, they give you 300 back, making it 700 shillings for a soda. A house maid here makes 20000 shillings a month if she is lucky. Thats ten dollars folks.
So I started teaching english at the primary school today......I just sort of waltzed over and the headmaster said...oh great you're here! The teacher for the P4 class is sick today! So there I was, standing in front of 54 children expected to teach them something about english. I must admit, I panicked for a moment until I remembered that.........I speak English.
so am is are was were adjectives and nouns all day today and it was great! I taught about 150 Ugandan children at about age 11 or so, all about the USA and the state I am from.
I think the best moment of the day was when a boy asked me what tribe I was from. I just sort of stuttered all well, how do I explain this.......Thompson?
I never thought of my dad as a macho tribal leader's what he is. the patriarchal society here is really growing on me. Suddenly I feel a new affection for the men in my life as protectors and providers because that's what they are here. I think it gives Ugandans a special perspective on having a heavenly Father.
It was also great when I was explaining about animals. When I told the children that there aren't just animals running around willy nilly in the States, one boy looked puzzled and do you eat?
Good question, kid. That is more profound than you know.
I was talking to one of the other teachers today and he was asking about the cost of living in the States and we did some math. Turns out my monthly pay as a nanny of sorts is about three times as much as some state workers get paid here. And as most of you reading this know....I am not rich.
It was a sobering moment as I thought about the implications of that......people in the states can do so much here because their money is worth so much, but does that mean we should all drain our bank accounts and buy a goat for every Ugandan? Again, God has a way of defeating my ideas about poverty and wealth and giving. The conclusions I keep coming to are.....if only there were some non subjective judge of who gets what and that judge were to deal out stuff according to how he sees fit and.......wait a minute!
anyway......I have much more to say, but no time to say it. I can only say that I am happy to see that people are reading the blog and I hope that I can be so spoiled as I have been the past two days to write so often!
PS- I still have not witnessed a birth.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
But alas! Uganda is amazing. I was reading today (in a leftover travel guide, another artifact I have found from John and Katherine's stay) about the history of Uganda and it got me thinking. It helps to understand a little about what has happened on the land you walk if you want to know more about the people who are already there.
I am beginning to realize that some of my ideas about the west and about wealth and poverty were naive and simple. God is bigger than the empire I was born in. Not only that, he's better than I thought. When you see children who are very hungry and you consider that you just bought a meal for under two dollars, it begins to be a greater challenge to trust God. Trust God.
Trust that you are who you are for a reason. And that includes how wealthy you are. And how comfortable you have been....and ultimately how powerless you are to change any of that in the slightest. And I really mean any of that in the slightest.....recycling, vegetarianism, conservation, anything at all.
Poverty is huge. it's really huge. and it's bigger than you can imagine. and bigger than you can fix.
but it isn't bigger than God.